Did you know that 80% of all women will face night sweats and hot flashes at some point in their life?
There are many different causes of night sweats. To find the cause, a doctor must get a detailed medical history and order tests to decide if another medical condition is responsible for the night sweats. According to webmd.com, some of the known conditions that can cause night sweats are menopause, idiopathic hyperhidrosis, infections, cancer, medications, hypoglycemia, hormone disorders and neurologic conditions.
When health issues erupted within her circle of family, friends and personally, Lusomé creator Lara Smith looked throughout North America and Europe for a sleepwear brand with beautiful style and soft fabrics. She found several moisture wicking brands, but they were using 100% polyester and chemicals in the finishing process. The urge to find a better solution occurred as Lara watched her sister battle breast cancer and the uncomfortable long-term side effects associated with the treatments.
Lusomé is a beautifully designed sleepwear brand using the most innovative moisture management technology possible for naturally blended fabrics. Lusomé with Xirotex™ provides women with revolutionary moisture management in luxuriously soft fabrics expertly engineered for ultimate comfort. Xirotex™ draws perspiration and bacteria away from the body through its innovative capillary structure and dual-layer fabric construction. Xirotex™ rapidly eliminates moisture, odor and bacteria from the skin’s surface. Skin is left feeling completely dry in under 10-seconds, a pace unrivalled in the current marketplace.